Treatment options available for COPD

Treatment options available for COPD

There are no fixed permanent cures available for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but some forms of treatment may definitely go a long way in reducing the symptoms and also in slowing down its progress. Here are some options available for the treatment of COPD:

Lifestyle changes
Here is a list of lifestyle changes that may help you in overcoming COPD :

  • To avoid COPD, you should also try to stick to places which have the least air pollution as environments with dust and fumes may aggravate this condition.
  • Quit smoking immediately and if you are exposed to passive smoking, avoid it for as far as possible.
  • It is important for you to bring about the right changes to your diet. Eating a healthy diet may help in reducing the symptoms such as difficulty in breathing while eating. When you eat small portions more frequently, then you will be able to regulate this condition better. Your doctor may even suggest some nutritional supplements.
  • While exercise is recommended for the betterment of COPD, it may be really difficult for some people. Regular activity may help you in strengthening the muscles, which help you in better breathing. However, consult an expert before starting any physical regime.
    The following medications may be used to alleviate the symptoms of COPD :
  • Corticosteroids Some corticosteroids such as prednisone may help in reducing the irritation and also keeps the airways from swelling. They are mainly used when you have been exposed to a certain infection or an irritant due to passive smoke or even extreme temperatures. 
  • Bronchodilators
    They come in handy for people suffering from COPD and are usually available in the form of a nebulizer or an inhaler. They help the patients as they are directly inhaled by the system.
  • Antibiotics Plenty of respiratory infections may worsen COPD symptoms. In order to combat these infections, your doctor may give you antibiotics. However, it is crucial to remember that antibiotics may only kill bacteria and if the cause is viral, then they are of no help.

Other medications that are not always important, but may be prescribed for COPD include the following:

  • Medications for smoking cessation
  • Anxiolytics
  • Antidepressants

Complimentary treatments
Apart from medicines and other methods, you may also use complementary treatments to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety, thus helping in the betterment of COPD . These treatments may include:

  • Pulmonary rehabilitation
  • Guided muscle relaxation
  • Taichi
  • Yoga
  • Singing sessions
  • Behavioral therapy
  • Consuming opioids
  • Oxygen therapy

    Surgeries for COPD
    You may also go for surgery if your condition requires it but this option is only suggested in very severe cases. At the moment, there are three different types of surgeries, which may be undertaken for alleviating the symptoms of COPD . These include:
  • Lung transplant
  • Bullectomy
  • Lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS)

Consult a few experts before undergoing any of these surgeries as it requires an expert hand in carrying them out successfully. With these methods, you definitely may reduce the symptoms and live a normal life with COPD.