Tips to get your foundation right

Tips to get your foundation right

Getting your foundation right is the first step to achieve the perfect look. A foundation can make or break the rest of your look. There are a lot of things that could go wrong if you do not apply your foundation correctly. It may seem cakey, flaked, cracked, or—worse it could the wrong shade. However, following a few steps and tips will help you deal with them all.

Picking the right kind of foundation
Picking the right kind of foundation is the most important step in the process.

  • Make sure that you swatch the products on your jawline and not your hands/neck, as they may be a completely different shade.
  • Try to make sure your skin is makeup-free and is moisturized before trying the shades on. Moisturizing is important as it will help you have a better idea of the texture.
  • Make sure you test the color in natural sunlight. The lighting at the store may be tinted and this might affect the shade of the foundation.

A few other factors to keep in mind while picking the right product are:

  • Skin type – Analyse the nature of your skin. It could be dry, normal, oily, or combination. Each of these skin types requires a different kind of product. You can pick from liquid, powder, cream, and stick foundations.
  • Based on the number of blemishes and imperfections on your skin, you will have to pick from foundations that provide a sheer, medium, or full coverage.

Prepping your skin
Although applying a foundation forms the base of your makeup, there are a few steps to follow to prep your skin. These steps will keep your skin protected and make your foundation work right.

  • Always start with a freshly washed and exfoliated face. Any dirt or dry skin left behind will get clogged and cause your skin to break out.
  • Make sure that your skin is moisturized. This step keeps your skin hydrated and makes sure that your makeup doesn’t look cakey or patchy.

Applying the foundation correctly
These tips and tricks will help you get your base just right.

  • Always start with a primer. It preps your skin to hold the makeup better and also helps protect it from irritation. Using a primer allows smoother application and better distribution of the product.
  • It is advisable to use a sponge or a beauty blender to apply the foundation. Brushes can get the job done too. However, using a brush can create textures in your skin. The right method is to dab the product on with a damp beauty blender.
  • Do not work the product too much into your skin as it will settle into your pores.
  • Make sure that your foundation has had a few minutes to dry before applying the next product.
  • Blend the foundation onto your neck area as well. Using foundation only on your face will lead to it being a different shade from the rest of your body.
  • Apply concealer after applying the foundation for a finished look.