Tips for Traveling With Your Pet

Tips for Traveling With Your Pet

Leaving your pets behind before traveling is one of the hardest things to do. Seeing that sad look in their eyes as you drop them off to their boarding home until you get back then worrying about them and how they’re doing the whole trip, it’s no fun. Traveling with your pets is the solution to this problem, but it isn’t an easy one. Between figuring out which way to transport your pet and finding a pet-friendly hotel wherever you’re vacationing, it can be a lot of work. Here are some tips you’ll need if you want to bring your pet with you while you travel.

1. What to bring 

Similar to traveling with another person, you’ll need to bring ID for your pet and even some documents such as medical documents could be helpful to bring as well. Make sure your pet’s travel crate is large enough for them to stand, sit, and move around in

2. Transportation method

There aren’t many options when it comes to traveling with a pet. You could always just drive with your pet to your destination if the location was in driving distance, but if not, you’ll need to take your pet with you on an airplane. Not all airlines offer travel for pets, although some do allow having a limited number of pets in the cabin as long as they’re under 20lbs and have all their proper shots and medical records sorted out. Then only other option would be letting them travel as cargo, but if it’s the only option to make sure you’re pets travel crate is ventilated and that it’s labeled “Live Animal” in large bold print.

3. Finding a hotel

Finding pet-friendly hotels can be tricky in some instances, but for the most part, you should be able to find one regardless of where you are vacationing. Certain hotels will allow you to have your pet in the room but won’t allow them on the furniture, it would be best to contact the hotel beforehand to find out about any pet accommodations. If you’re bringing a dog with you, a hotel room on the first floor next to an exit would be a great spot for a room, as that way it will be quick and easy to take your dog out for a walk or to use the bathroom.

4. Pre-trip check-up

The CDC advises all pet owners to have a visit with your vet before traveling with them. Certain countries and areas have strict rules when it comes to bringing animals into their home, some require many different certifications and vaccinations before allowing a pet to enter. Also, it’ll be good to make sure your vet gives you any medication or special item your pet may need while away from home, and they may even give you a rundown of possible emergencies and how to handle them calmly.