The types and causes of skin allergies

The types and causes of skin allergies

Skin allergies affect a huge portion of the population; red, bumpy skin and rashes can be caused by a lot of factors, but they usually stem from allergies. They can also be caused by exposure to certain plants such as poison oak, poison ivy, and such. The skin is the largest organ of the integumentary system of the body and also one of the first lines of defense that your body has against any allergens. Given that, it is but natural for your body to develop rashes or bumps on contact with an allergen. Also, there are various health conditions that can cause your skin to react, such as eczema, chicken pox, measles, smallpox, and so on. If you find that you have developed a skin allergy all of a sudden, it is important that you consult your physician at the earliest for an accurate diagnosis, as it could be caused by several underlying health issues.

Types of skin allergies
There are various types of skin allergies that affect the human body:

  • Eczema : Eczema, which affects nearly 20% of children and 1-2% of adults, causes red, inflamed, and itchy skin. It may also cause small, fluid-filled blisters to appear on the skin, and the fluid may be yellow in color or clear. It is believed that patients with this condition often have a history of eczema. The rash can soon spread from an affected area to other parts of the body.
  • Hives : Hives (urticaria) appears as rashes and welts all over the body. If this condition resolves within six weeks, it is called acute urticaria. However, if the condition does not resolve in 6 weeks and persists, the condition is termed as chronic urticaria. The former is generally caused by an infection, but the cause for chronic urticaria is not yet known.
  • Contact dermatitis : Contact dermatitis is caused when you come into physical content with an allergen. Your skin may break into blisters and rashes, and you may experience a burning or itching sensation. Usually, this type of skin allergy heals soon.

A skin allergy is caused by various factors, such as the following:

  • Allergens : You may be naturally allergic to certain substances, both chemical and natural. Coming into contact with an allergen is bound to cause rashes all over your body and especially around the main point of the allergen’s contact with the skin.
  • Health conditions : Certain health conditions can also cause you to develop a sudden case of rash. For example, diseases such as chicken pox, measles, and even smallpox can cause rashes to break out all over your body, which later develop into pustules.
  • Chemicals : It could be that your skin allergy is caused by certain chemicals in your soap, detergent, shampoo, and such.
  • Diaper rash : This particular condition is often caused by sitting too long in a soiled diaper and infants are the ones most affected by it.
    These are some of the causes of a skin allergy, for which it is essential that you seek medical attention right away.