Survived a heart attack? Tips to prevent the next one

Survived a heart attack? Tips to prevent the next one

The term “heart attack” creates fear among the masses, and rightly so. A heart attack is among the leading causes of death in developed countries. Although it can be inconspicuous in some cases, it is associated with some risk factors like sedentary lifestyle, smoking, heredity, and obesity. Many people who have their first heart attack are able to lead a normal life and prevent a subsequent attack by following these practices:

  • Increase physical movements and activity
    A sedentary lifestyle can be a significant contributor to a heart attack. Keeping your body more mobile and active is the simplest way through which you can decrease the chances of having a heart attack. When you move your body, the cardiovascular system gets strengthened. If your job requires you to sit in one place for long periods of time, try to take a break every 30 minutes and stretch your body and walk 100 steps before resuming.
  • Quit smoking and drinking alcohol
    Smoking does a lot of harm to your cardiovascular system. It reduces your lung-capacity and decreases blood flow to several organs. Similarly, alcohol intake has been associated with a lot of problems in the body. It is always preferred that you quit smoking and alcohol to prevent a subsequent heart attack.
  • Watch what you eat and the amount you consume
    Obesity is a known risk factor for heart attacks. Every person, especially those who have suffered a heart attack should be extremely particular about not gaining unhealthy weight. One way to manage weight is to control the diet and portion size. One should meet a good nutritionist and find out how many calories you need to consume daily to maintain a healthy weight. Follow their recommendations strictly, and you will never complain of weight gain.
  • Try meditation and yoga therapy
    There is a proven connection between the mind and the body. Meditation is an excellent way to calm down your mind. It helps to focus your thoughts and helps in controlling emotional outbursts and depression that follow a heart attack. Meditating also helps in controlling other things that can make treatment and recovery difficult.

Many people find yoga extremely beneficial in recovery after a heart attack and preventing another one. Certain yogic postures strengthen the heart and burn fat. However, these should only be done after consulting a certified yoga practitioner.

  • Interact with family and friends
    It is important to stay cheerful and enthusiastic after a heart attack and to share your emotions with loved ones. Carrying emotional baggage will not help your cardiac health. Therefore, it is advisable that you meet friends and family, pursue your hobbies, and do anything that makes you happy.
  • Take medication regularly
    Along with the points mentioned above, it is important that heart attack survivors do not skip their medications. Medicines are prescribed to control specific parameters of the body and their recommended dosage and frequency should be taken very seriously.

Recovery after a heart attack may be time-consuming and difficult, but with a positive attitude and some lifestyle changes, it is possible to lead a normal life. Always remember that good health is the most fundamental requirement to enjoy life.