Natural Foods for Eczema

Natural Foods for Eczema

Eczema is an annoying itchy inflammation of the skin that can cause swelling and rashes. Also referred to as atopic dermatitis eczema affects more than 3 million people every year. The main complaint is a rash or itchy skin. While diet is not the only thing that affects and helps eczema eating the right things can help to ease or repair it. Below are some natural foods that should be part of any eczema diet:

1. Oats
Oats are not only one of the best things you can eat for eczema but also one of the best things you can put on your body. Oats have soothing effects and are high in vitamin E and zinc which make for stronger and smoother skin. Oats are also filled with fiber which are great for digestion.

2. Honey
Honey has many natural healing benefits. It is antibacterial as well as an anti-inflammatory. This can help ease itching and rough skin. There are many different types of honey and honey supplements on the market that can help.

3. Fish
Fish is not only great for the mind and body but it also is great for helping to treat and reduce eczema. Fatty fish such as salmon is very high in omega-3 which helps to reduce inflammation in the body.

4. Yogurt
Much like oats yogurt helps to soothe and heal the body. Yogurt is a great source of calcium and probiotics which can help add more friendly bacteria to the body. Just be sure to be careful when eating yogurt as some may notice a flare-up in their eczema from dairy. If this is the case try a dairy-free yogurt which still offers tons of probiotic benefits.

5. Nuts
Although nuts can be high in fat, they are also filled with tons of vitamins and antioxidants. Nuts help to heal and repair the skin and body. Especially nuts such as walnuts which are high in Omega-3 as well as cashews which are high in iron and magnesium.

6. Fruits
Fruits are great for eczema especially berries as they offer a large variety of antioxidants which help to repair the skin and body. Eating a few servings of fruit a day can help cells repair themselves quicker. This can cause for less inflammation and flare ups.

7. Chamomile
Chamomile is said to be good for eczema as it has many anti-inflammatory benefits. Drinking a glass of chamomile tea a day can help reduce flare-ups and skin inflammation.

8. Broth
It would be hard to mention a list of foods to treat eczema without mentioning broth. Beef or chicken broth is great for having a healthy gut which in turn helps the body to have a healthier immune system allowing for less eczema flare-ups and rashes.

These are just a few of the best foods to eat to help naturally heal eczema. Some other key foods include vegetables such as asparagus and broccoli, aloe vera which has many healing effects on the body as well as apple cider vinegar which has many beneficial ingredients.