Aftercare tips for renal cancer that you should know

Aftercare tips for renal cancer that you should know

Aftercare is extremely important for renal cancer survivors to prevent its recurrence. In some individuals, surgery, chemotherapy, and radiotherapy can remove the cancer cells completely. It is important for these cancer survivors to follow an aftercare plan that includes

  • A schedule for follow-up visits to the doctor and the tests that need to be taken.
  • A list of side effects that you need to keep a look out for after the treatment is completed. Some of the side effects of the cancer treatment may appear even several years after the treatment has been stopped. It is therefore important to find out about these.
  • A list of red flags to look out for in case the cancer has recurred.
  • A healthy diet that needs to be followed.
  • An exercise regimen.
  • A list of tests that need to be done such as early detection tests for other types of cancer.

Renal cancer survivors need to make changes to their lifestyle to prevent the cancer from coming back. This involves quitting smoking, following a healthy and well-balanced diet, exercising regularly and managing stress. It is important to note that there is very little evidence to show that making these changes may prevent the recurrence of renal cancer. However, a healthy lifestyle can certainly prevent any other medical conditions or illnesses that weaken your immune system and makes it susceptible to renal cancer.

Renal cancer survivors are given a new lease of life, and it is, therefore, important to make healthy lifestyle choices to ensure their general well being and to recuperate from the physical as well the emotional stress of going through cancer treatment. Below are a few tips to help make some changes one can make to become healthier.

  • Eat better
    It is important to eat a healthy plant-based diet to fuel your body with energy. Ensure that your diet helps you to stay at a healthy weight. Avoid alcohol and quit smoking to reduce the risk of compromising your health.
  • Exercise regularly
    People who have undergone cancer treatment may experience bone-weary exhaustion and fatigue. Exercise is the only answer to get rid of the tiredness. Several studies have shown that easy and moderate exercises, depending on the individual’s ability, can play a vital role in helping them to cope both physically and emotionally. It is important for the survivors to sit with their health care professionals and chart out an exercise plan to ensure that they are not overworking themselves, at least initially after the treatment has ended. Exercise is extremely beneficial as it improves an individual’s cardiovascular fitness, strengthens muscles, reduces anxiety and depression, boosts energy, maintain a healthy weight and most importantly, makes one happier.
  • Support groups or therapy
    Going through cancer can cause anxiety and depression among individuals. Sometimes even after the cancer is destroyed through treatment, an individual may still be anxious. It is helpful to join a support group or go through therapy to cope with emotional stress. Therapy can help individuals to come out of renal cancer happier.